Bullet Journal

My March Layouts

So it’s almost time for a new calendar layout 🙂 In my Bujo I had already set aside 11 (no January) double spread pages for my calendars. When I started my journal I wasn’t thinking that it might not last me a year I was just so excited about getting started on this pretty blank book with all my colouring pens. I started putting pages aside all over the place, now looking at it with clearer eyes I know I will lay my next journal out differently. 

All the Monthly spreads I have done so far (I’ve filled out and coloured up to July) are the same. I’ve used the same method of numbering and have coloured them all with the same ombre effect using my Staedlter fineliners and fiber felts. These are by far my favourite pens to colour with, I also have a full set of Stabilo pens but to be honest they are not my go to pens and besides the fact they compliment the Staedlters by having some colours just a slightly different shade (great for ombre work) I probably wouldn’t use them at all.

This layout worked perfectly for me through February (which is lucky seeings I have drawn another 5 of them out) I like the simple layout and the basic info. I have since taking this photo added a little seasonal drawing next to the month title.


20160228_081957The next layout I use throughout the month is my lifestyle tracker. This I have changed from last month. I found that some of the things I thought I would want to track I actually don’t and I missed off things that I know I would be more inclined to do (rather than push aside) if I had to be accountable by colouring in that little box.

Alongside both these monthly spreads I use a weekly spread, I find this suits me the most and have tried a few different layouts, more space for each day, less space, a dutch fold page (that I hated) I have now settled on this layout and think this will remain the same. I have room for everything I want to check each day and now I have added a mini post-it for Trav’s “Honey Do” list. Each day I record the weather, if I’ve taken my medicine (which I have done every day since I started tracking it in my bujo) and what meals we have supplies for this week, I had set a meal for each day but found this too structured so have just listed 7 meals we could eat this week.

20160227_144440and now I’m off to look at everyone else’s layouts on IG, facebook and blogland.


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